Archive for the 'Announcements' Category

Published… offline

Friday, November 4th, 2005

Just wanted to come on here and let you know that an article you first saw here (What does full server path mean) is being reproduced (with my permission) in Kevin Airgid’s book: Web Designers Success Guide. :D

Hiatus (obviously)

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Ok, I lied. That wasn’t the last “personal-related” post.

In many many respects, life is good - definitely better than before. As someone told us recently (and I completely agree) we’re living in a secret paradise. Weather is great. Scenery is great. Lots of kid-friendly/family-friendly stuff here. Lots of outdoor activities. BUT (there’s always a but) don’t let anyone kid you - being a stay-at-home-mom in MANY ways is more work than GOING to work was. And then to make it all even more interesting (and busy, and overworked, and…), are the freelance gigs I’m trying to keep up with in the evenings and any spare time I have.

So, fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t see me getting more time any time soon. I’m not taking down the site or anything - but it will probably be months before I’m able to really start posting on here again. In many ways this is frustrating - because there are a lot of cool things going on with WordPress right now - and I would really like to be a part of it. But right now, there are more important things going on with my life and I’ll just have to try and catch up with blog-software-stuff at a later time.

Being that the last post I made was a couple of months ago - it’s pretty obvious I’m on a hiatus. So, I guess you can consider this the official word on that.

More Personal stuff

Thursday, May 5th, 2005

So - now it’s safe to discuss all this - as anyone who I know who might stumble on this blog already knows. This, I promise, will be the last “personal” related post, and once I pick up again, we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled scripting. ;-)

SO - here’s what’s going on in my (personal) life in a nutshell…

Some of you may or may not know that I have a daughter. She’s turning 5 this summer. Well… she’s getting a baby brother come the end of September. :D My work-life “balance” at the moment is completely tipped to the “work” side. A lot more than it was when my daughter was a baby. And I didn’t want to have to work the kind of hours I do while trying to take care of an infant. (Yes, there’s day care - which is what my daughter did - but it wasn’t for as many hours as what I’d have to do now). We live in New England - aka. one of the most expensive places to live - housing is ridiculous - and there was no way we could live on one salary and not be forced to eat mac-n-cheese every night. So, we sold our house (in ONE day - I told you the real estate market is NUTS here!) and we’re moving roughly two thousand miles away to the west/mid-west - where housing is a WHOLE lot cheaper. Plotting it all out - with two kids, and my not working - the tax difference basically makes our “take home pay” almost the same!

So, I’m quitting my job - and going to stay home with my daughter (and the baby, when he arrives). We’re hitting the road in about three weeks, actually.

My plan is to continue to freelance as much as I can (without it turning to a “full time job”) so that I can stay current with scripting and web design. You know the old saying - if you don’t use it - you lose it. But the nice thing will be that, different from what I’m doing now - it will only be part time. Right now when I do freelance, that’s after a full day’s worth of work doing the VERY SAME TYPE OF STUFF. That’s part of the reason why I haven’t blogged that much. After spending too many hours doing this at work - the LAST thing I want to do is work on it some more at home.

So hopefully, that will mean more posting here - I have some ideas for WP plugins I’d like to try my hand at (that’s if someone hasn’t already gone and written them!!! There’s a fever spreading of WP Plugin-writing like I’ve never seen. Just about every possible plugin you can imagine has been written. I’ll have to be sure that the ones I want to write, haven’t been done already.) As well - that may also mean - depending on how much availability I have - that I’d be available for freelance projects from here as well.

In any case, the first thing on my list, well, is to move. :) I also have a new design in the works for this site - so that I can finally *finally* upgrade WP here. Then we’ll see where we’re at.

Site updates

Tuesday, April 12th, 2005

Just so you don’t think I’ve dropped off the face of the earth…. I should be able to post some more (personal) related news here on May 2 - and have plans to be around here a lot more starting in June. Until then, life and things are up in the air, and I can’t really talk about them here just yet. (Not until after May 2)

In any case, I’m here. The site is not going away (in fact, a redesign is in the works! more info on that coming too) Just taking a little down time to get my life in order. :) Stay tuned.

WP Subscribe To Comments updated

Thursday, March 10th, 2005

A huge huge thanks to Mark - who took it upon himself to update the WP Subscribe To Comments plugin. Many of the issues people were having should now be fixed.

(Please note that with this latest version - support for WP 1.2 ceases - but the previous version of subscribe to comments worked fine with that version, and is still available for download. So - if you haven’t upgraded WP to 1.5 - you don’t need to do this upgrade)