Archive for the 'Humor' Category

Millions of Blondes

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

I’m not going to particpate in it, but the “best blonde joke” (example)thing is driving thousands and thousands of hits every day to It’s traffic on par with a front-page Digg, just constant and steady. Where did this thing come from??? (Continuing my tradition of being a month late to internet trends.)

Chuck Norris Facts 2.0

Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Chuck Norris 2.0. “Chuck Norris showers with AJAX but no water.” See also: Original Chuck Norris facts, New Chuck Norris facts, and the official Chuck Norris response. :) Update: I highly recommend watching these Walker, Texas Ranger clips on Conan O’Brien. If that struck your fancy, you can always buy the DVD set, I just ordered it.