Archive for the 'Asides' Category

Millions of Blondes

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

I’m not going to particpate in it, but the “best blonde joke” (example)thing is driving thousands and thousands of hits every day to It’s traffic on par with a front-page Digg, just constant and steady. Where did this thing come from??? (Continuing my tradition of being a month late to internet trends.)


Monday, January 23rd, 2006

The bloggies are now open, and for the first time ever WordPress is a nominee. However there is very good company like Blogger, Flickr, and Delicious. Flickr! My fav thing about the bloggies has always been the discovery aspect, finding blogs I had missed somehow. This year contains quite a few gems and I’d recommend going through everything and exploring a few you haven’t seen before.

Comment Spamosphere

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

State of the comment spamosphere.

Chuck Norris Facts 2.0

Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Chuck Norris 2.0. “Chuck Norris showers with AJAX but no water.” See also: Original Chuck Norris facts, New Chuck Norris facts, and the official Chuck Norris response. :) Update: I highly recommend watching these Walker, Texas Ranger clips on Conan O’Brien. If that struck your fancy, you can always buy the DVD set, I just ordered it.

Google Privacy

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Yahoo and MSN give up your information without a fight, Google fights it. Who do you trust your data with more? Also how would a Web 2.0 company with a much more fragile financial state respond to legal demands from the US Goverment? “We’re going to spend millions fighting the DOJ” seems like a rough way to start a board meeting. ;) Hat tip: Eric Haller.

Livejournal Hack

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

I’ve been following the Livejournal hack closely because as someone who runs many services that allow user submitted content, any new developments in XSS are very important to stay on top of. So far the only official technical explanation I’ve seen is here on lj_dev. Since we don’t allow template editing or embedded JS or styles on I can’t think of any vectors for attack, but you never know with these things. More on moz-binding.

WP Probloggers

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

Andrew says ProBloggers Use WordPress based on this poll at which gives WordPress + about 40%.


Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

Yesterday I participated in an event called Mashpit with some interesting folks and with Cal and Alex built a version 0.1 of a translation manager, the idea being that people can submit translations for phrases in a moderated wiki-like manner, allowing for community translation of projects large or small. It was a lot of fun and very rewarding to get something functional done in such a short period of time.


Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

Guy Kawasaki on hindsights, a great non-tech read for everybody.

Zeldman on Hype

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

The father of everything good on the web weighs in on “2.0″ matters.